Updates from ICC 2013 Dresden meeting

The ICC 2013 conference was a great success thanks to the hard work and efforts of the ICA Executive and Local Organisers. With over 1400 delegates from all over the world, it was an excellent event. This year there was also three minute slot for commissions at the main plenary session , which was an excellent platform to reach out to academics worldwide and  I got so many new expressions of interest for joining our education initiative from delegates  just because of this short plenary presentation opportunity.

We also had an excellent meeting of the ICA-OSGeo Labs Network at ICC 2013 last week (thanks to Arlete for the photo) and thanks to all of you who attended and contributed for this. Silvania, Chris and Serena did excellent short presentations of their labs at our meeting and it helped give the bigger picture. We will also be working closely with the ICA Commission on Education as there are lot of synergies that we can jointly build upon for the future.

Reminder of our next monthly telemeeting tomorrow (5th Sep, 2013)  at 18:00 UTC. Agenda at  http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/ICA_OSGeo_Lab_Network_2013-09-05

As we have only one hour, the two key priorities and discussions will be OGC Schools at GitHub initiative that Luis Bermudez (OGC)  will present and OpenGIS Webinar series (MundoGeo). Thanks again to Phil and GeoTech Centre for hosting us.

I am looking forward to see many of you at FOSS4G Nottingham in 2 weeks’ time (actually in 12 days! – it really hectic and exciting time for us here). We are really hoping that FOSS4G 2013 will be excellent.

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