The Open Source Geospatial Technologies Commission aims to promote multi-national holistic research in free and open source geospatial technologies in order to make accessible the latest developments in open source tools to the wider cartographic community. The commission attempts to enhance the usage of free and open source geospatial tools among the cartographic community worldwide, especially for education and research.
It is very important to have open source GIS and standards (OGC, ISO TC 211) based solutions to achieve widespread application of geotools at grassroots level especially in developing countries. Open source GIS provides accessibility, low cost solutions and lowers the entry barriers for the use of geospatial technologies for all.
The commission will promote the usage of professional and technical standards (ISO TC 211, OGC) for the development of free and open source geospatial software. Commission membership is open to all interested parties and we aim for representation by as many countries. Promotional strategies of the commission include regular e-mails to members, meetings, conferences, workshops, promotion of geospatial standards and publications.
To become involved in the commission please contact the chairs:
Dr Suchith Anand, University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. Thierry Badard, Laval University, Canada
Visit the Commission’s website at