On behalf of Geospatial IG of the Research Data Alliance and Geo for All community, i would like to invite inputs for this open consultation on the Vision 2030 for Open Geospatial Science.
To start this process, Geospatial IG of the Research Data Alliance and Geo for All organised a Think Tank meeting on 8th June 2016 at the University of Nottingham bringing together top scientists, academics and government agencies to discuss ideas forward. We chose the theme of Urban GeoBigData and OpenCitySmart to expand ideas on this.
Fig 1 : RDA Think Tank participants at The University of Nottingham (8th June 2016)
In true spirit of Open Science, we have make available a wikipage in Geo4All with the initial ideas generated after the Think Tank and welcome the community for inputs .Together we all can shape the research agenda for Open Geospatial Science for the future and help build more ideas to enable the creation of a sustainable innovation ecosystem for advancing the discipline and accelerating new discoveries to help solve global cross disciplinary societal challenges from climate change mitigation to sustainable cities.
Open Geospatial Science – Vision 2030
It is nearly a decade since the initial ideas for Open Geospatial Science was started . Open Geospatial Science builds upon the idea of Open science that scientific knowledge of all kinds are able to be develop more rapidly and in a more productive manner if openly shared (as early as is practical in the discovery process). The key ingredients to make Open Geospatial Science possible is Open Principles (open source geospatial software, open data, open standards , open educational resources and open access to research publications) .
“Geo for All” [1] was initially started by scientists and research active academics to build strong foundations for Open Geospatial Science . We also wanted to create openness in Geo Education for developing creative and open minds in students which is critical for building open innovation and contributes to building up Open Knowledge for the benefit of the whole society and for our future generations. Thanks to our colleagues globally, we now have dedicated research labs through Geo4All globally , dedicated journals etc [2],[3] in place to help advance the discipline for the future. It is this global research outlook that is fundamental to the success of any new discipline. It is now time for us to think and plan actions for the future and it is important that we bring together ideas/inputs from the wider community and harness the wisdom to help shape our vision for Open Geospatial Science for 2030 and builds synergies with the three goals for EU research and innovation policy: Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World [4].
In May 2016, EC published a book titled – Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World – a vision for Europe , the extracts below
The way that science works is fundamentally changing and an equally important transformation is taking place in how companies and societies innovate. The advent of digital technologies is making science and innovation more open, collaborative and global. In this light Commissioner Carlos Moedas has set three goals for EU research and innovation policy: Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World. These three goals were first discussed by Commissioner Moedas in a speech in June 2015, showing how research and innovation contribute across the political priorities of the European Commission. These goals do not represent a new policy initiative or funding programme as such, but a way to reinforce existing programmes such as Horizon 2020, and reinvigorate existing policies such as the European Research Area. The book Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World – a vision for Europe brings together some of the key conceptual insights behind the “Three Os” and highlights actions that are already taking place or are being prepared at time of publication in May 2016. It is hoped that the ideas and initiatives described in the book will stimulate anyone interested in European research and innovation, and encourage debate and lead to new ideas on what the European Union should do, should not do, or do differently.[4]
You can download the book from the EU Bookshop at http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/open-innovation-open-science-open-to-the-world-pbKI0416263/
Extract from the book on Open Science below
A Vision of the Future
The year is 2030. Open Science has become a reality and is offering a whole range of new, unlimited opportunities for research and discovery worldwide. Scientists, citizens, publishers, research institutions, public and private research funders, students and education professionals as well as companies from around the globe are sharing an open, virtual environment, called The Lab. Open source communities and scientists, publishing companies and the high-tech industry have pushed the EU and UNESCO to develop common open research standards, establishing a virtual learning gateway, offering free public access to all scientific data as well as to all publicly funded research. The OECD as well as many countries from Africa, Asia, and Latin America have adopted these new standards, allowing users to share a common platform to exchange knowledge at a global scale. High-tech start-ups and small public-private partnerships have spread across the globe to become the service providers of the new digital science learning network, empowering researchers, citizens, educators, innovators and students worldwide to share knowledge by using the best available technology. Free and open, high quality and crowd-sourced science, focusing on the grand societal challenges of our time, shapes the daily life of a new generation of researchers.
There is also lot of synergies and will add momentum for our vision for Open Geospatial Science [5],[6],[7].
Open Geospatial Science builds upon the idea of Open science that scientific knowledge of all kinds are able to be develop more rapidly and in a more productive manner if openly shared (as early as is practical in the discovery process). The key ingredients to make Open Geospatial Science possible is Open Principles (open source geospatial software, open data, open standards and open access to research publications) .
“Geo for All” was initially started by scientists and research active academics to build strong foundations for Open Geospatial Science . We also wanted to create openness in Geo Education for developing creative and open minds in students which is critical for building open innovation and contributes to building up Open Knowledge for the benefit of the whole society and for our future generations. We are grateful to all our colleagues globally for their help and efforts which enabled us to build this initiative http://www.geoforall.org/about/ .
So what is our Vision 2030 ?
Geospatial Science = Open Geospatial Science
- Science should always be fully open and inclusive
- Transparency of research is fundamental (no black boxes or proprietary barriers).
- Geospatial Science should be build fully on Open Principles (Promoting an open research culture)
Fig 2: Transparency of research is fundamental (no black boxes or proprietary barriers) and geospatial science should always be open. (Image courtesy : OpenGIS summer School Girona colleagues)
We welcome the wider community to contribute more ideas/inputs to show us how we can together achieve this vision by either contributing to the wiki directly at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Open_geospatial_science_-_vision_2030 or email Suchith.Anand@nottingham.ac.uk by 30th August 2016.
Overview slides of Open Geospatial Science – Vision 2030
We also welcome all those interested to join the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)’s Open Geoscience committee [8].
Thanks for your contributions and support.
Dr. Suchith Anand
Geo for All – Building and expanding Open Geospatial Science
- http://www.geoforall.org/
- http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/science-applications
- http://opengeospatialdata.springeropen.com/about/editorial-board
- http://ec.europa.eu/research/openvision/index.cfm
- https://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2016/04/open-geospatial-science-2/
- https://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2016/05/open-innovation-open-science-open-to-the-world/
- https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/grace/events/eventsarticles/urban-biggeodata.aspx
- https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Open_Geoscience_Committee